Supervisory Development Programme
Assess and identify your specific strengths, so as to enhance your leadership skills and competencies. Receive personal feedback to help you build on your strengths and address your development areas.
This course aims to introduce participants to the knowledge and skills they need in order to function competently in their daily work as supervisors.
By the end of the programme participants will be able to explain and implement supervisor responsibilities,
duties, functions, and skills, under the six main headings of:
- The emotional intelligent (EI) leader
- Problem solving
- Planning
- Organising
- Controlling
- Leading
MODULE 1: The EI leader
- Created to be winners; conditioned to become losers
- Mind creates realities
- Overcoming feelings of insecurity
- How to cope with adversities in life
- Managing emotions: anger, temper, depression, stress
- Techniques to enhance self-mastery
- Problem solving process
- Stages in problem solving
- Analytical Stage
- Creative stage
- Evaluative stage
- Implementation stage
- Establish objectives
- Setting suitable measures for objectives
- Create action plan
- Scheduling
- Develop budgets
- Establish policies, procedures and rules
- Implement action plan
- Time management
MODULE 4: Organising
- Organising
- Giving instructions
- Delegation
- Control process
- Planning & controlling relationship
- Planning & controlling interaction
- Performance feedback
- Leadership
- Motivation
- Interpersonal skills
- Communication
- Listening
- Conflict management
- Assertiveness
- Meetings
- Teamwork